Sole Australian Distributor for Pocher Kits.

Pocher construction kits have been created for the dedicated and detail conscious model builder. Every Pocher model is made to exact 1:8 scale and contains more detail than the usual construction kits on the market today.

Every detail of the original vehicle is measured by Pocher technicians, and - if possible - using the original drawings down to the smallest detail. Because of the large scale, many functional details can be reproduced such as brake systems, springs, gears, engine and accessories, steering and suspension, universal joints, opening doors and roll down windows, folding tops, leather seats and so on.

As to the choice of materials, in many cases and where possible the same is used as on the original. Parts are made of steel, brass, bronze, rubber, plastic and leather. No special knowledge is required to build a Pocher kit as the instructions are well detailed and parts are carefully sorted and identified.

Screws are used extensively, thus almost eliminating the use of adhesives. The kits contain many parts, from around 800 in the Fiat 130HP to over 2300 on the Mercedes 500K.

The kits listed below were available up until 2003 and are now sold out. The Pocher company was part of the failed Lima group and in early 2005 was sold to Hornby Hobbies. Hornby plan to revive the Pocher brand sometime in the future. There is currently no new stock available.

Code Make Model Version Scale
RK 78 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza Muletto 8
RK 76 Bugatti Type 50T 1933 8
RK 86 Bugatti Type 50T Superprofile 1932 8
RK 88 Fiat 130HP F2 8
RK 91 Mercedes Benz 540K True Roadster 8













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